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Connecting the Dots to Improve Students’ Outcomes and School Culture - The STETHS Story


Release Date

The Jamaica Teachers’ Association finds it untenable that several categories of teachers across the island have not received their pay to date. While the data pours in for collation to be sent to the Ministry of Education, let it be known that this is highly unacceptable! Teachers who are already underpaid, will now have to find additional sums to offset arrears in which their loans will now fall! The teacher again must bear this burden. Who truly cares? What is worst, The Association nor the Board of Management of any institution, to the best of my knowledge have not received any communication from the MoEY to inform us of the delays! Absolutely no professional courtesy extended to us as teachers!

This financial challenge is further compounded with the non-payment of grants to some schools! Creditors are now up in arms; principals are embarrassed and in hiding owing to their inability to settle debts! What is really going on? 
We await the response from our employers as it relates to these matters.
OBERLIN School Matter & Minister’s Response
As an Association we continue to keep under scrutiny all matters education. The Principal (Acting) at Oberlin has provided the nation with the explanation for yesterday’s occurrence. We note the Minister’s response to the situation and await the details concerning same!

Devotions are a provision made by law as reflected in the Education Act 1965, while guidelines may be suggested, as a Christian nation, every effort must be made to ensure retention of this critical activity. School is about preparing the entire man.

For further information please
Leaon Nash
Administrative Officer
Communication & Public Relations
Email: (

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Release Date

Re: Non-payment of Salaries.

The Jamaica Teachers’ Association notes the current period of frustration being experienced by our members; we believe this is a blatant disrespect to the nation’s educators. We are aware that some members are in receipt of payments, though questions abound regarding its accuracies, however this is of no comfort to those who have not.

In light of this financial malaise, the Government of Jamaica must make provision to offset interest rates to be accrued on teachers’ loans and other credit facilities.

The Association is further concerned about the threat of repossession of items and the impact of the current situation on members’ credit ratings; a possible embarrassment looming for teachers.

The Jamaica Teachers’ Association cannot guarantee normalcy come tomorrow. Colleagues, let us stand together paid and unpaid to register our displeasure. This scant regard for educators cannot continue. Whatever sums are due teachers, small or great, must be accurately calculated and paid in a timely manner to ensure their monthly obligations can be met.

Let us Unite and Serve.

Your President
La Sonja Harrison

For further information please

Contact: Leaon Nash, Administrative Officer
Communications & Public Relations
Email: (

Release Date

Re:  Abduction and Murder of  8 yr old Danielle Rowe

The Jamaica Teachers' Association, while still basking in the success of our children at the 38th JTA Sagicor National Primary School Athletic Championships on June 9 and 10 is equally distraught by the news of the passing of an eight year old student at the Braeton Primary School.

Danielle Rowe, the eight-year-old student was abducted from her school in Portmore, St Catherine and later found with her throat slashed in Vineyard Town, St Andrew on Thursday, June 8.

The teachers of this nation condemn this gruesome act and, the growing onslaught on the nation's future, our students.

We have found ourselves at a new level of depravity, if we now turn on our young. God will hold us accountable for the stewardship of the children he has given to us for but a season.

As a nation we must repent and recommit to the care and protection of the young and most vulnerable amongst us.

Perpetrators of these heinous acts related to our children should be pursued, investigated thoroughly and the warranted penalties applied. Justice and truth be ours forever.

Teachers are encouraged to remain vigilant and schools are asked to review annually and to improve their safety and security protocols.

The government of Jamaica however, must address the deficits through adequate funding if we are to arrive at an education system with safe environments that truly protect our children. “Ultimately, it is the state of crime in the nation that is the root of the problem. At the heart of that problem, is the state of each citizen's heart”.

This Association renews its request  for a day of prayer for the nation's children in light of some 13 deaths reported from the start of this year.

Our sincere condolences to the immediate and school families of little Daniel Rowe and all other families grieving the brutal slaying of their children.

May their souls rest in peace.

La Sonja Harrison


For further information please
Leaon Nash
Administrative Officer
Communications & Public Relations
Email: (

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